Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Outing With Pet Dogs

Last Sunday after the Calvary Care Home (CCH) boys' fellowship, some of the boys were eager to play football. As they were not encouraged to kick the ball in the CCH compound, Albert P suggested that we brought them to Dataran Sejarah which included a field.

I arrived with Paul and Luke who had guided me to this square near the zoo along the Ayer Keroh road. While waiting for the others, we walked around. Paul discovered some small ants working for their big ants "bosses". Probably drawing an analogy between these insects and the children at CCH, he took his Croc shoe to hit the big ants and scatter the small ones.

When Albert and his passengers appeared, I immediately noticed that football was no longer the boys' priority. They were more keen to play with Kiki

and Jojo

who belonged to the same "Daddy".

Nothing could be more joyful for Albert to be holding his high-tech gadget

and having at his side the "son" other than Matthew.

Even though this "girl" resembled me in colours and hair style,

I imagined it was easier to be the symbolic mother of the CCH children than of the pet dog who loved to run everywhere and hardly sat calmly for two minutes.

Curiously, Jojo did not seem to mind being separated from Kiki with whom he had three children. But he felt uncomfortable to be even two metres away from Albert. I wished I could sign this male dog up for Pastor Richard's forthcoming "Authentic Manhood" course.
This was an outing which had pleased all the adults, children as well as the animals, except for the big ants "bosses" who could not bully their juniors anymore.

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