Friday, November 12, 2010

My Face Is On A Mousepad!

At the end of my last class with my first batch of AM228 students last month, they took a group photo with me and an individual photo of mine. Muharram said to me, "Mademoiselle (Miss), we'll give you something next week." I guessed they were going to print out the group picture and frame it for me to keep as a souvenir.

The following week was the revision week. None from their group looked for me. Sometimes I saw some of them checking their on-going tests marks in front the notice board outside my office but nobody mentioned anything. I began to think that they did not mean it that day.

Three more weeks were over. I had almost forgot about it. This Tuesday, someone knocked my door in the afternoon. Muharram entered with a big smile on his face and a big envelop in his hand.

"Mademoiselle, this is for you." He was already leaving.

The envelop was lighter than I had imagined with a frame. "Thanks. Can I have a look first? It must be a photo."

"It's a mousepad with your picture..."

What a creative present! When I pulled it out from the envelop, it was funny to see my portrait appearing on an object in such a size. As I had been using my office desktop without a mousepad, this was just nice to give my mouse a mat and let it rub against my face.

Now, even when nobody gives me a smile at my workplace, at least I get one from myself when I enter my office. Hallelujah!


JJ said...

Looks like your picture will be in every places in your university..................

asmanadiah othman said...

thanks mademoiselle for teaching us french..i had so much fun in your class..=) i will definitely continue to learn more about french languge after this..merci beaucoup mademoiselle!!

Michan said...

Mademoiselle Asmanadiah, I also had a lot of fun teaching your group. Thank you once again for your faithful attendance, active participation and serious work during the 3 semesters in my class. Bonne continuation to all of you!