Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mission Trip To Orang Asli Settlements II: Asahan

After Selandar, our vans followed Pastor Joseph Boon Chai's assistant Brother Johan who, on his motorbike, was leading us to Bukit Asahan. Previously, when I heard of Tangkak or Asahan, I thought of beef noodles, cloth shops or waterfalls. This time, I learned a new association--Temuan Orang Asli.

Bro Johan gave us a briefing in a hall

where Christian Orang Asli gathered for cell meetings.

Then he brought us to a nearby house to experience Orang Asli's lifestyle in the nature. He usually spent one hour in each house during his weekly visits.

That day, we only stayed less than twenty minutes and seemed to be more interested in monkeys and a squirrel than the people.

After the small tour, we returned to the hall

to worship the Lord together.

To me, it was a visit more than a mission trip. Not only we had not carried out any work for the community, we were served cakes and tea prepared by our hospitable brother in Christ.

I do not expect that these children will ever remember our presence in their settlement when they grow up.

However, we still can do something for them when we are back to our modern city life--at least to pray that God will never stop supplying wildboars in their forests.

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