Last Wednesday night, I received a funny forwarded message from Sis Christine half an hour before her birthday. I responed by asking her if she would like to join me for lunch, afternoon tea or dinner in town the next day. She had something on in the morning and would only confirm later.
Thursday at lunch time, she finally telephoned me to meet up at Flavours Restaurant, formerly known as Bulldog Cafe.
Entering this nyonya and western food restaurant for the first time, I was immediately attracted by its interior design. Household appliances of my grandparents' times
and old pictures were used as decorative items everywhere.
Since Sis Christine was the birthday star, I let her decide on the menu.
I expected her to order typical nyonya dishes. When the food was served, I was puzzled and thought, "Are these their specialities? I can fry the same omelet while Mum can cook the asam fish, kangkung sambal and salted vegetable duck soup!"
Though the warm and spicy dishes were just nice to eat under the cool weather, Sis Christine was not satisfied with the soup which only contained almost meatless bones. We also found that the vegetable and eggs were a bit too salty to our liking. The portions were enough for three to four persons. At first, I thought we were going to pack leftover food. As we spent the whole hour eating and chatting, we managed to finish everything and quench our thirst by sharing an additional bowl of rice and cup of Chinese tea!
Never underestimate small-sized women--They may have big stomachs.
I miss the celebration. My birthday is also on 11/11. I spent the whole day in school until 6 pm in a meeting. After that rushing to bring Matthew and David for tuition.Finally too tired for any celebration.
Don't feel sad, yours is coming soon...:)
Happy Bithday Aunty Christine........God Bless and keep you healthy and safe.......^^
Michan is right.Prof albert don't worry. Don't get frustrated.Have you ever heard a phrase like "Be patient but don't be a patient in the hospital.....
Relax, we will celebrate your birthday ,不要紧张......
Have a nice day everybody especially Sis.Christine.............. ^.^
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