While waiting for a new part-time job after the school holiday, she is most of the time present in the house apart from sending and fetching Johanan, Nathanael and Nadine who are studying in the secondary school, primary school and kindergarten respectively. I would like to invite them to my place for a weekend but Johanan attends a tuition class on Friday evenings and he sometimes has to join school activities on Saturdays.
So I decided to visit them more often. Monday afternoon, I brought a pot of minced mutton and potatoes seasoned with herbs, and buns to have dinner with this family who love western cuisine and all kinds of meat. I said to Siew Hong, "Let's eat something which won't make us put on more weight." I was expecting her to just open a tin of baked beans or boil some vegetables. Instead, she added to the menu some deep fried potatoes. She then took out celery, yellow capsicum, green apples and limes to prepare a salad which looked very healthy before mayonnaise was added... Finally, on the table were served three plates of food which Nathanael described as fattening dishes.
How happy are the children who enjoy their mummy's cooking and praise that it is the best!
And how blessed are they who now have the full attention of their dearest mother!
Hopefully one day I will also receive the "Best Mum Award" from my children if I have any.
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