"I'm doing it by myself."
"Really? You've got a computer here? You know how to type the Chinese characters?"
"I type in English. I'm also connected to the Internet."
While many people nowadays choose to sit passively in front of the computer instead of walking in the nature with their healthy legs, Kit took this option because of his disability to move his limbs freely.
"Are your legs getting better?"
"After a Canadian visitor had instructed me the correct way to walk, I know how not to hurt my knees. Yesterday I walked 835 steps. Today I've walked 325 steps. I'm going to show you how I do it."
Kit wheeled to a place to pick up a stick which was lying on the floor. Then he got up from his wheelchair, his right hand hand pressing on the stick to support his body weight. With much effort, he placed his steps one after another in a slow motion. His ambition to travel again for his mission trips was all written on his determined face.
"Well done, Kit! if you continue to practise walking every day, your conditions will improve very fast. I'll pray for your recovery. Now that you've sweated, it's time you took a shower. I'm making a move."
"I can take my shower later. Let me print out the page on the lemon grass." He was talking about a Jewish research that drinking water cooked with the plant could cure cancer, of which he was also a beneficiary.
He wheeled into his room to switch on his computer. The connection to the Internet was in a pretty low speed.
Thinking of Dad who had written all his articles with his pen during his entire journalist's life, I really marvelled at Kit's exposure and quick acceptance of the new technology.
"You can do it later and pass to me next time, Kit. Otherwise, I'll search for the website. I'm going to upload your pictures and talk about you in my blog. Here is the website..."
"Are you going to put my pictures up for auction, haha?"
"Why not?! I'm blogging and you're writing your books. When one of us becomes famous, these pictures will be worth much more money!...Kit I got to go now."
"Don't forget your rosemary." He came out from his room again.
"Thanks...Kit, you don't have to see me off to the gate."
"I'm not purposely accompanying you. I'm just doing exercise. You can open another gate to reverse your car easily."
He stopped next to the white flowers. I waved at him before he disappeared from my sight in the car, hoping that he will also let both his arms open again to Jesus' unconditional love.
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