Danielle lost a lot of weight especially after Pépère had passed away. Me too when I lost Dad, except that I gained back a few kilos. Now she looked more like her elder sister Nicole who was thin of nature.
Ernest told me that both charming sisters had been introduced to him at the same time at a dancing party. Finally he chose to date Nicole who later became his wife.
After their marriages, the two sisters' families remained close. They often gathered for meals or activities. The next morning of my outing with Eiat and I-Chen, I followed the cyclemate Daniel back to Neuves-Granges with his car. Danielle, her husband André and the Toitot's eldest son Emmanuel were also invited for lunch.
Ernest specially bought Danielle's favorite delicacy to celebrate her belated sixty-year-old birthday.
My stomach was already filled with food I had eaten earlier but it was too hard to resist that piece of creamy black-forest cake. Hello, calories!
After the meal, each of us had our own activity. The guys were inclined to intellectual work while the ladies were labourers:
Ernest checked his email.
Emmanuel helped his father to fill in the online income tax form.
André comfortably took his nap on the sofa in front of the television.
Daniel preferred to meditate on a plastic garden chair in open air.
Danielle plucked dry leaves from pot plants.
Nicole turned up the soil.
I swept away the moss that I had removed from the floor.
Shopping in the malls like Malaysians, anyone?
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